Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 4: How to be attractive to other homo sapiens

Why hello dear blog I wanted to teach you to be attractive to other homo sapiens in 5 easy steps.

Step 1: Shave


What? NO!

There we go!

STEP 2: Style your hair

not like that!

I dunno...

That works

STEP 3: Wear some nice clothing

Wait, what?

What are you...NO!


There we go!

Step 4: Don't forget to smile!
Not like that!

That's not it!

Stop that!


STEP 5:  Wear a Ryan Gosling Mask
Boom!  Sexy!  Don't forget this step!

And now you know how to be attractive!
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Tune in tomorrow for my review of bacon.

Thanks so much for reading!

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